Race Recap: Angel Island 12K

On August 3rd (way late, I know, I’ve been SO busy!) I completed the Envirosports Angel Island 12K and it was such a great day and race! I signed up for the run after being asked by The Guardsmen to join their team and do a little fundraising for the cause and I couldn’t resist. On the heels of my 3 week vacation, I was dubious about the challenge of a trail run like this but was excited to finally participate in a race I’ve wanted to do for several years now!

One of the main reasons I’ve wanted to do this race is, well, Angel Island. LOVE it there, it is so beautiful and there is little that I find more entertaining than that ferry ride out to the island. I’ve never run there before but now I can officially say that I’ve run the perimeter of Angel Island! And this was my first Envirosports race too- I’m an EnviroVirgin no longer!

There, right there, I want to run THERE.

There, right there, I want to run THERE.

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My Nike Training Plan

Photo credit: Nike

Photo credit: Nike

If you follow this blog and/or my Facebook page, you know that I created a group ID in order to enter the lottery to get into the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco this October. Thanks to the power of social media, approximately 200 happy readers/runners utilized the code and our entire group was selected!!!  WOO HOO!!!

This year is the 10th anniversary of the race and will be my 4th Nike run- I did the SF full in 2011, the SF half in 2012, ran Nike DC half earlier this year, and now am getting ramped and amped up for #4!  I’m wrapping my head around training for all those hills and getting my plan together for a successful 13.1 come October 20th.  Continue reading

Race Recap: SF Marathon (1st Half)

So I ran 2 other races recently but didn’t write the recaps, so let me quickly catch up…

On May 19th BFF Amy and I ran the Capitola half marathon relay on a beautiful Santa Cruz day and it was very fun!  Amy completed her 10K in 1:07, and I completed my 6.9 miles also in 1:07 for a 2:14 finish. Yeah us! Recap done!

And on June 8th, my Team Cocktail Moms and I ran the See Jane Run 5K for champagne and chocolate in Alameda, and I finished in 29:22 which was a miracle as it was a super hot day, definitely in the 80s- everyone was glad to NOT have run the half marathon so we tried to find some shade and ate and drank and celebrated our butts off.

There, all caught up!

Now, for yesterday’s race, the first half of the San Francisco Marathon

Fear? What's that???

Fear? What’s that???

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Race Recap: Nike Women’s Half Marathon, DC

If you know me and/or if you read this blog, you know that I was honored to be chosen as a mentor for my 5th season with Team in Training and decided to fund raise for the inaugural Nike Women’s Half Marathon in Washington, DC. I raised the funds, and come April 26th, hopped on a plane from San Francisco and my next Adventure in Running began…

If you know me and/or if you read this blog, you also know I hate flying. Hate it. Last time I was on a plane was for the San Diego Rock n’ Roll marathon and that was just fine as it was short trip but SF to DC takes roughly 7-8 hours, one stopover included. Luckily, I attended a Bon Jovi concert the night before so equipped with one major hangover and 2 measly hours of sleep, I didn’t even have the energy to feel nervous and I think that may just be the key to flying for me!  Ha!

Thanks for a great time and hangover, Bon, baby! (Photo credit: BFF Amy)

Thanks for a great time and hangover, JBJ, baby! (Photo credit: BFF Amy)

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Race Recap: Santa Cruz Half Marathon

Yes, I realize that this race was 4 weeks ago. I also ran the inaugural Nike DC half marathon since then and am really anxious to write that one up as it was so, so, SO much fun but my brain won’t let me do things out-of-order (I’m weird like that) so, without further ado… I FINALLY give you my version of the Santa Cruz half marathon!

Bright and early on Sunday, April 7th, I drove easily to Santa Cruz and parked in the lot across from the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk just as easily. Grabbed my bib and waited in line for the porta potty. BFF Andrea warned that there weren’t enough porta potties at race start and I really should have listened to her and gotten there a tad bit earlier because the race began and I was barely able to escape the potty in time- thank goodness for timing chips!  Continue reading

Race Recap: Oakland Half Marathon

I know, I know, I am THE WORST blogger ever as it’s been over a month since I’ve posted. In my defense, life has been crazy/stressful/frustrating as of late and it is very difficult for me be creative/funny/insightful when I’m pissed at the whole world. More on that topic soon…

Well, all that negativity took me down and 3 days before the Oakland Running Festival’s half marathon, I got sick. Super sick. Head and chest cold, general malaise, constant fatigue and absolutely zero energy.  All my training leading up to this half- my tenth- had been successful. I had been doing everything right, I’ve been eating well, added in 2 hours of strength training each week, rotated hill work with speed work, hit all of my long runs 30-60 seconds slower than race pace and had my mind completely and totally set on a PR.

Until I got sick, that is.

I’ve learned over and over from my TNT coaches not to let ego overrule good judgement, I therefore knew that running with a chest cold wouldn’t be the smartest thing to do but, of course, I was going to do it anyway and anticipated that it would slow me down. And, of course, it did. Continue reading

Race Recap: Big Sur Half Marathon

I’ll just be honest right up front: in my current state, I really had no business running the Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay this past Sunday, but having spent $125 to register for the sucker plus running it with Team in Training, I was committed no matter what shape I was in. I’m stupid like that.

Last week, I saw my doctor to figure out why my neck was in constant pain, 24-7 (feels like someone stabbed my right shoulder with a knife and left the blade behind, super duper ouchy, especially anytime I’m driving or upright) while the entire length of my right arm would get painfully tingly and go numb several times throughout the day, every day.  She ordered x-rays and discovered 3 pinched nerves in my neck.

That’s my neck and there are baaaaaaad things going on in there.

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Race Recap: Nike Women’s (Half) Marathon

(photo credit: Nike)

If you know me or if you’ve been following my blog, you know that I joined Team in Training last year to run my first marathon, the Nike Women’s Marathon, while raising money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I raised the money, I ran the race, I fell in love with TNT and have been a part of our East Bay run team ever since.

I am now in my 4th season with TNT and as Fundraising Captain had the opportunity to run the exclusive Nike Women’s Marathon again, so I took the chance to register, and happily checked off the HALF marathon box for this year.

… because the full nearly almost killed me dead.

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Race Recap: Ragnar Napa, Leg 2

I went out to dinner with some friends last night and was talking about my Ragnar Napa experience.  Upon hearing my story, they crinkled their noses and shook their heads, saying, “Ugh, that sounds horrible! Why would you want to do that?”

Well, why wouldn’t I?  Not only do I love running but to do it amongst a team of 11 other happy, funny, joyful people was just so much fun, an experience I will never forget.  I admit it was hard at times but anyone can endure anything for 36 hours, right?  We bonded, we laughed, we sang, we danced, we ate, we talked almost non-stop and we ran- I consider myself very lucky to have the physical ability as well as the means to participate in an event as huge as this.  So yes, I would most definitely do it again.

36 hours of running and only smiles and laughter at the end! YAY RAGNAR!!! (photo credit: Anya)

And now for leg 2…

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Race Recap: Ragnar Napa, Leg 1

Okay, okay, I know it’s been way too long since I’ve posted but in my defense, life has just been so busy lately!  Plus, my lap top is on the fritz so the spot where I normally sit to write isn’t available, and that’s really messed me up.  I know, I’m weird.

Even though I haven’t been blogging about running doesn’t mean I haven’t been running.  I’ve resumed my regular work out and run schedule and was honored to be a part of a Ragnar team this past weekend.

Team At A Medium Pace!!! (photo credit: Van 1 team mate, Allison)

If you don’t know what Ragnar is, it is an overnight, 200 mile team relay that takes roughly 36 hours to complete.  Teams of 12 runners hop in vans and take turns running 3 legs over 2 days and one night and even though that may sound like complete and utter craziness, let me tell you IT WAS SO MUCH FUN and ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Continue reading